A Leader in Federal Managed Care Solutions

Health Net Federal Services, LLC
For more than three decades, Health Net Federal Services (HNFS) has partnered with the Departments of Defense and Veteran Affairs to provide health care services to our nation’s active duty and reserve service members and their families, retirees, and Veterans. Throughout our years of service to this community, we have covered the full spectrum of military and Veteran health care needs, from working with VA to launch the Patient-Centered Community Care and Veteran’s Choice programs, to supporting behavioral health needs through the Military and Family Life Counseling program.
HNFS assisted nearly 2.8 million beneficiaries in the TRICARE West Region, including active duty and retired service members, National Guard and Reserve, and family members. One of the first companies in the U.S. to develop comprehensive managed care programs for the military and their families, HNFS is advancing the future of health care and improving military readiness by creating better health outcomes, providing better care, and lowering cost.
HNFS is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Centene Corporation, a national leader in publicly-financed health care, including Medicare, Medicaid, and state-sponsored health care programs.
Were you looking for information about Health Net of California? Separate from Health Net Federal Services, but also under the Centene umbrella, Health Net of California provides government-sponsored health plans to more than 3 million Californians. Visit Health Net’s website to learn more.